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Key Control Systems

We prioritize your security with comprehensive key control and lock security services.

We understand the importance of safeguarding your property and assets, and our offerings encompass various levels of key control and lock security to meet your unique needs.

Levels of Key Control and Lock Security

At Key West Lock & Safe, we offer several levels of key control and lock security to ensure the utmost protection for your premises. Many individuals mistakenly believe that having their keys stamped with “Do Not Duplicate” or “Do Not Copy” is sufficient for key control. However, we recognize that this alone does not guarantee security.

A significant number of businesses and facilities use common commercial keyways readily available at hardware stores. While some locksmiths may refuse to duplicate keys stamped with restrictions, we take additional measures. Typically, we require a letter of authorization on company letterhead before duplicating keys. This extra step ensures a heightened level of security.

Despite our efforts, we acknowledge that various hardware stores and specialty key boutiques may duplicate keys without proper authorization. To address this concern, we educate our clients on the importance of key control and encourage them to return for secure key duplication.

Understanding Key Control

True key control involves having a key type that is exclusive to a limited number of sources. We refer to this as a Restricted Keyway. These keyways range from locksmith-only access to reserved keyways that only the assigned locksmith company can access. Both standard and high-security locks are available within these keyway systems.

The need for key control becomes evident when managing employee access. As personnel changes occur, it is crucial to update locks to prevent former employees from retaining unauthorized access. Even if a former employee returns the key, concerns arise regarding unauthorized key duplications.

By implementing commercial restricted keyways, the likelihood of duplicate keys decreases. Reserved keyways provide an even higher level of security. When your business utilizes locks on a reserved keyway, keys are registered exclusively with our locksmith. Each key duplication requires a signature card for verification, ensuring that only authorized individuals receive keys. If an unauthorized person attempts to duplicate a key, the owner is promptly notified.

Choosing this level of key control helps you confidently manage access to your property. You gain assurance that, even when a former employee returns a key, the security of your premises remains intact. This proactive approach eliminates the need for expensive lock re-keying.

Invest in secure key control with Key West Lock & Safe to fortify the protection of your property.

Contact Us Today!

Ready to enhance your security with advanced control systems? Contact our dedicated team for expert installation, service, and consultation.